The theme for this year’s IGF is “Towards a holistic approach to Internet Governance in South Sudan: Consumer Rights, Competition, and universal access.” This ...

South Sudan Internet Governance Forum Realizing potential and creating opportunities
A sustainable, secure, stable, open and robust internet in South Sudan.
Policy Advocacy
We bring stakeholders together to discuss on the best policy alternatives and also monitor the progress of policy development processes.
Capacity Building
To ensure continuity and diversity in the policy development, we bring in new voices in the different stakeholder backgrounds through training and events.
Our policy advocacy and capacity building are supported by evidence based research through an established working group on both current and emerging issues.
Stakeholder engagement
We facilitate stakeholder engagement through collaborative initiatives in face-to-face Town Hall meetings, and in the SS-IGF interactive mailing list where multiple stakeholders engage regularly on ICT policy issues.

South Sudan Internet Governance Forum
It is mandated to be a discussion forum for facilitating dialogue between the Forum’s participants. The SSIGF may identify existing and emerging internet-related public policy issues, bring them to the attention of the relevant authorities and the general public, and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the relevant authorities. The SS-IGF does not have any direct decision-making authority.
Featured Publication
Our publications are designed to inform stakeholders and guide policymakers in creating a sustainable digital future.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia
PRESS RELEASE, 21ST September 2022.
South Sudan Internet Governance Forum 2022 It is with great pleasure that The Internet Governance Forum( IGF) South Sudan invites media houses in Juba to th ...