The South Sudan School of Internet governance is a 3-day training that focuses on teaching a select group of stakeholder the basics of internet governance, technical standards, and key policy emerging issues related to the internet development in South Sudan. The training is very competitive and selection is done based on set criteria by the IGF committee which looks at each application and evaluates its strength while looking at the diversity of the applicants and inclusion of under-represented groups. This year SS-IGF aims to have 30 participants who will undergo the School of internet governance and award certificates at the end of the training.
Some of the topics offered at the training include.
- Internet Policy
- Cyber Security
- Privacy and Data protection
- Internet standards
- Community Networks
- Access to information and freedom of expression
Who is to apply?
The IGF is a multi-stakeholder forum that draws its membership from the following stakeholder groups: Anyone falling in any of these categories is very eligible to apply and attend.
- Government
- Private Sector
- Civil Society
- Academia
- Technical Communities
Deadline: 13th March 2020
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